Influencing others may be as simple as asking a colleague to do something, or as complex as building coalitions. Whatever your approach, your success depends upon the strategies you use, and when, how, and with whom you implement them.
The Influence Strategies Exercise (ISE) is designed to help participants develop an understanding of nine key influence strategies. You may be an HR professional, a coach, a trainer or a mentor. Whether you are working within an organization or with clients your job is to bring out the best in others.The Influence Strategies Exercise Facilitator’s Guide is designed to support you in taking others through the ISE.
The facilitator’s guide is divided into the following sections:
Section 1:How do we get our own way? How do we influence others?
Section 2: Profiling the influence strategies exercise, gathering feedback, ensuring confidentiality, interpreting the profiles, using the ISE to give one-to-one feedback, and using the ISE in a workshop situation.
Section 3: Developing influence strategies, practical ISE exercises, sample influence situations, developing new strategies, and making it real.
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Influence Strategies Exercise – (ISE) – set of 10 This exercise helps people to identify the influencing strategies they use and evaluate how effective they are. By understanding this, they can improve their ability to influence others and achieve workplace objectives.