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Learning Agility Architect™ Research and Interpretation Guide (B / W - Pkg. 25)

Learning Agility Architect™ Research and Interpretation Guide (B / W - Pkg. 25)

$115.50 USD

Valuable Learning Agility tools

Learning Agility, the ability to perform well under first-time, challenging conditions, is a key differentiator in identifying and developing your most successful leaders. The new Learning Agility Architect™ Research and Interpretation Guide (Placemat) is a critical Learning Agility coaching and training tool highlighting jobs and assignments that build Learning Agility, the Learning Agility factor and dimension Library Structure, and tools for Development Planning discussions.

The new Learning Agility Architect™ Research and Interpretation Guide is relevant for:

  • HR professionals identifying the jobs requiring Learning Agility and coaching others in Learning Agility development discussions
  • Executive stakeholders interested in understanding which jobs require Learning Agility
  • Coaches and managers who are helping others understand Learning Agility and the behaviors associated with Learning Agility
  • Career-minded individuals working on their own career development

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Learning Agility Architect™ Quick Reference Guide Designed as a resource for understanding and applying the Learning Agility Architect™ assessment, the Guide includes detailed descriptions and common uses for the Learning Agility Architect Sort Cards as well as other Learning Agility Architect™ tools.